domingo, 3 de outubro de 2010

Even If I Cann't Find Your Vagina

I promise that the title has a purpose.

I brought some images from the Zombie Walk. From inside it doesn't look that bad.

A few days ago, i went to lunch with a friend. Because he lives about 30miles away, whenever he comes to town i try to put him on my agenda. He and another friend were super flawless, when i lived in Porto, phoning me every day, and taking into account some not so pleasant factors, it was good to count on them.
So we went to a Chinese restaurant and i must say that in the few i went of this genre, i never had such difficulty understanding what they were saying, i mean, they sounded like they had bread in their mouths.

At 4pm, there i was, entering through the tattooist door,who had this lovely anchor heart tattooed on his forehead. He was really nice and i enjoyed his work, so now im crossing fingers so that finally i have found a decent place to tattoo. I mean, for my first tattoo, the guy was great, but then the next year, he wasn't  at that place anymore. For my second, the guy would only be at the shop for 2 weeks and for the third, i just didn't like his work on me, the tattoo was ok but it could be better. So now i have a cool key and a beautiful spider's web and i'm hopeful that next year the artist can be the same.
One of the things i enjoyed about this tattooist was the fact that his work didn't have that typical appearence you normally see with other tattooist work. I dont know, it's just different, see for yourself, i leave the link to the store´s myspace ClockWork Tattoos.

I bring now my second flower.
It was made for my final year's show.
Our drama was based on a trip to the 10 Dimensions and our scenery, the inside of a boat. Our costumes had colors from sea and space and as expected, the stripes, a tribute to sailors.
In spite of myself and 2 more colleagues being from the backstage, on show days, we combined our clothes with the performers. White, black or blue and stripes.
So i made this one to use in my hair.
I used:

  • stripe fabric;

  • a black gem;

  • hot glue;

  • scissor;

  • round mold;

  • chalk;

  • bobby pin.
Just need to follow the steps from the previous post.
This was actually a little bit easier, cuz i didn't used the tulle. That simplified the process.

Usually what i do when using the safety pins, is to glue them on the back of the flowers and put some tissue on top of it so it won't come out ugly, but with the bobby pins, i just glued the two ends of the tissue, so there's a little space for the bobby pin. I hope the images help.

About the title... I saw this movie recently Away We Go and it is absolutely beautiful. Its so unbearablee cute. And i thought how funny and adorable it was when he whispers "I will always love you, even if i cann't find your vagina".

Thats it. Enjoy.


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