quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010

Zombie Walk and Flowers

Nothing to do i know, but before showing the not so good tutorial i tried to make, i'd like to share a little of my day.
So, with a friend and her girlfriend, we arranged to go and see . SEE, NOT PARTICIPATE. a zombie walk that would be in Lisbon, which i did not know until a week ago. I have no damn ideia how is it in the rest of the world, (well i do a little cuz i google it) but here was just horrible. I must say that in the not so many that were present, only a few were actually decent.
I really thought that they would take things more siriously, i mean, they were (almost) dressed and characterized like they were going to a bad Halloween party, the screams and grunts were ok but the rest...OMG....not so good.
Of course, while waiting 3 hours for them to REALLY WALK i had the pleasure of seeing and talking to some friends and collegues from the course....

So now the flowers...

This was actually the first one.
I only made it because i was going to a wedding and although the dress was cute, there was something missing and because i had nothing to apply, i reminded of some flowers in tissue  i had seen, so i put my hands to work.

I'll try to explain the steps.
Firts, get your materials. This is what i used:
  • some random black tissue;
  • pink tulle;
  • a transparent gem;
  • safety pins;
  • hot glue;
  • scissor;
  • a round mold;
  • chalk, to mark the tissue.

With the chalk and the round mold, mark the tissue. Try to use well the tissue for future use.
With the scissor cut 5 pieces from the black and pink fabric, two for the base and eight for the petals.
Put both tissues together, fold in half two times, until they get the cone shape. If you prefer, glue the fabrics so the petals wont disjoint.
Then place the petals in the center of the base with some glue, not much because it sticks well without major portions.
Glue the gem in the middle of your flower.
On the back of your flower put the safety pin, if you prefer you can apply some glue to the pin.
I hope the images help.


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